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“You’re Loved,” A Documentary By Our Founder.
Our founder is dedicated to standing up for the LGBTQIA+ community. This fight has led her to create a film that will send an important message…
The Foster System VS LGBTQIA+ Youth Mental Health
Explore how the mental health of LGBTQ+ foster youth is affected by the system, why that impact is disproportionate compared to non-LGBTQ+ foster youth, and how we can take action.
Can clubs benefit LGBTQ+ mental health?
Youth in the LGBTQIA+ community struggle to find their place and their people. Read to learn how LGBTQIA+ clubs that have a focus on mental health can benefit youth.
Just Walk Away: School Policy vs LGBTQ Students.
Just Walk Away: the rule that regardless of who started it or what motivates were, both parties in a school fight are punished. This policy places LGBTQ students’ safety and mental health at risk. How?