Proof vs Prejudice: Conversion Therapy Unmasked

Conversion Therapy has been tossed around in the media extensively in recent years. Most people likely have a surface idea of what the practice is (or is not). However, there are still a lot of misconceptions floating around.

Before we dive into the heart of the blog, time to set some things straight. 

The following points are based on proven, researched, and scientific knowledge. 

The general definition of conversion therapy is an intervention that aims to replace same-sex attraction and/or gender expression with heterosexuality.

The practice is based on the false idea that LGBTQIA+ is a mental problem. 

It is not scientific. It is pseudoscience

Interventions can include hypnosis, electroconvulsive shock therapy, behavioral correction, and punishment.

Some interventions violate a global policy that prohibits torture and cruel treatment. 

Keep these facts in mind as we continue forward. 

Disproven ≠ Disbelieved

I had a question the moment I knew conversion therapy was debunked. Why would anyone still use it then? In retrospect, that was naive of me. Especially since I was in a sociology class studying logical fallacies. 

An important concept to understand when discussing the conversion therapy debate is confirmation bias.

In simple terms, this is when we seek or interpret information that supports our beliefs and ignore any that does not, even if it is more accurate. 

To be eccentric, if I believed that Earth was shaped like a triangle, but you showed me every piece of evidence in existence that proved me wrong, I would tell you that is what they want you to think.

If you have ever had a conversation with a conspiracy junkie, you know what I am talking about.

People who believe that conversion therapy works are often caught in this mindset. Another reason could be that it supports a religious belief.

The most sinister scenario would be that they do not believe it. Instead, they pretend to so they can purposefully inflict harm. 

Unfortunately, human beings are very susceptible to confirmation bias. Not even people of high esteem, like world leaders, religious authorities, politicians, and scientists, are immune. 

As history and current events show, laws, systems, and cultural rules can be born from the consequences.

This is the case with conversion therapy.

The ignorance, unwillingness to change, or hidden agendas fueling belief in the practice, bleed into politics and our lives, causing widespread harm. 

The only way to overcome these obstacles is to remove conversion therapy from its place as a political debate topic.

Political topics are inevitably interpreted as matters of moral judgments and opinion. 

The issue of climate change illustrates this well. Forget the drowning cities and water that is literally on fire. Acknowledging global warming is now a moral statement. 

If you agree that climate change is real, people will assume you agree by proxy that trans women can play female sports. If you think climate change is a hoax, people may assume you are also transphobic. 

My point is that politically charged arguments over conversion therapy are unhelpful. Conversion therapy’s lack of validity is not an opinion but a proven fact.

However, as long as it remains in political spaces, opinion will always hold more weight than fact. 


Without too much jargon, what must happen is that the practice must be outlawed nationwide (and ideally globally, but that is too big to cover in one blog).

If this happened, just as no state can suddenly make murder legal, no state would be able to make conversion therapy legal. 

Be that as it may, the government is as slow as molasses. A solution such as that would take decades to push through.

May we recall that the US legalized same-sex marriage only seven years ago. That was 154 years after the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, which prohibits states to “make or enforce any law, which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens..”. 

Carys Mullins

Social Media Manager - Designer - Blooger

Founder-CEO of Volunteer Humanity Inc.

Co-founder, writer, editor for The CALM Blog. 



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