LGBTQ+ & Suicide Awareness

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. This month is to help bring awareness to something not talked about enough. Many people are affected by suicide along with the victims; family, friends, and loved ones. Every 11 minutes in the US, a person dies of suicide, over 48,000 American lives are taken by suicide a year, and about 150 American lives are taken by suicide a day. In the LGBTQ+ community, youth ages 13-24 attempt suicide every 45 seconds in the United States.

In A Cautionary Life blog, I discussed previously some factors that lead to the LGBTQ struggling with their mental health more severely. There is not much research done for why suicide rates are higher in the LGBTQ+ community. Nevertheless, the struggle for acceptance, less familial support, and victimization are likely to contribute to feelings of depression and suicidal thoughts. The most important thing to do regarding these high rates is to spread awareness and the ability for youth to get screened and treated for mental illness. 

We as a society must identify early signs of depression, increase affordable access to treatment, spread the facts, and normalize mental health treatment. If you struggle with suicidal thoughts and depression and can’t afford or access professional treatment, reach out to people you trust, create a support network, and create a safety plan. You are not alone. If you are not struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, reach out to your loved ones, become part of their support network, and spread awareness. 


You Matter: How to Be a Straight Ally 

The Trevor Project 

GLAAD: An Ally’s Guide to Terminology 

It Get’s Better Project: Hope for LGBT Youth 



Stereotyping is not Representation


A Cautionary Life, LGBTQ+ and Generalized Anxiety Disorder